The webinar took place. In the description below you will find links to the recording of the interviews with the authors of books.
Meet the authors of Books on Customs and learn from them: What role does the book play in the world of customs knowledge? Why should you read it?
In the discussion part, we will talk about the digitalisation of knowledge acquisition and what impact this has and will have on books as we know them today.
Meet the Authors

Customs Inside Anywhere, Insights Everywhere
Co-author, Frank Heijmann, The Netherlands
Theories on law enforcement, enriched with best practices from the Netherlands Customs Administration over the past decades, ideas on public – private partnership, on the necessity of continuous training and education of customs professionals, on the need of cooperation with other government agencies and scientific institutes when smartening enforcement while minimizing logistic delays – they all show how Customs nowadays are more and more able to look ‘inside anywhere’ and collect ‘insights everywhere’.
For those who prefer to look forward, this book describes how a possible future of the world of Customs and its procedures can look like on the longer term, with the application of technology innovations as well as an upgrade of the current legal system of Customs’ supervision to ‘Customs’ Supervision 2.0’.
It was published in 2022 by Trichis Publishing B.V. Learn more and purchase the book

Freeports and Free Zones: Operations and Regulation in the Global Economy
Mark Rowbotham, the United Kingdom
The book comprehensively but accessibly covers the topics of Freeports, Free Zones, Export Processing Zones (EPZs) and Special Economoic Zones (SEZs), as well as issues such as Customs requirements, Free Zone law and government initiatives, including the new UK Freeport initiative.
Readers will be able to understand why Free Zones exist, their role in the development and maintenance of international trade, and how they contribute to national and global economic development and wellbeing, especially in developing nations.
It was published in 2022 by Routledge. Learn more and purchase the book

EU Customs Law
Timothy Lyons, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium
The third edition is a treatment of legislation, new treaties and cases in the two courts of the EU especially but also in Member States. The book includes commentary on the Union Customs Code and secondary legislation. It provides increased coverage of areas such as the wider role of customs authorities apart from the collection of customs duty.
It was published in 2018 by Oxford University Press. Learn more and purchase the book

Customs Law in the European Union: Legal, Doctrinal and Jurisprudential Framework
José Rijo, Portugal
This book critically evaluates the legal instruments of the EU’s trade and customs policy – namely the Union Customs Code and its regulatory instruments. The complexity of customs requirements and procedures makes it imperative for businesses to keep themselves abreast with the intricate mechanisms deriving from customs law.
This unique book will prove to be an indispensable tool for all companies involved with import/export to and from Europe. It will be highly appreciated worldwide by in-house counsel, purchasing and supply chain departments, customs brokers, logistic and forwarding operators, customs officers, and interested academics both in and outside the EU.
It was published in 2021 by Walters Kluwer. Learn more and purchase the book

Current Customs Law
Co-author, Roberto Raya da Silva, Brazil
This book (please note that it is in Portuguese) is a compilation of articles on various topics related to different customs matters in Brazil. This work has been supported by the most important lawyers in the field of customs from all regions of Brazil, with more than three dozen academic articles on a wide variety of subjects, all of which are characterised by a spirit of voluntary and professional cooperation on the subject.
Roberto Raya da Silva, Senior Appraiser of machinery and equipment, has contributed an article on ‘The impact of the operative part of the product on the tax classification of a commodity in customs taxation’.
It was published in 2021 by Dialética. Learn more and purchase the book
In the discussion part, we will talk about the digitalisation of reading and knowledge acquisition in general (we browse, scan, skim, ask ChatGPT/Bard etc.):
What impact the digitalisation of knowledge acquisition has and will have on books as we know them today?
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