NEW! EU Customs & Trade
CPD programme

Knowledge is essential to stay ahead of the competition, ensure
lean supply chains, sound risk management and smooth cross-
border movement of goods. Join the Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) programme!

Deliver value
with professionalism

EU Customs & Trade
Compliance CPD programme

The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme is designed for all players in the supply chain who strive to ensure the smooth and compliant cross-border movement of goods in a constantly changing environment.

In partnership with


Access to a constantly growing knowledge base created by experts
Access to CPD online events
Exchange of know-how with programme participants from different countries
Motivating credit system for graduating with distinction


Those who deal with customs in:

Import/export companies (logistics, finance, procurement, sales and other departments)
Logistics service providers (transport, forwarding, customs warehouse, etc.)
Customs brokerage companies
Providers of legal and consulting services


Guided self-learning based on the learning material on CustomsClear - articles and videos
Peer-to-peer learning - exchange at monthly sessions
Earn credits for attending online events
Be awarded a CPD certificate at the end of each 12-month subscription period

CPD Certification System

The system is based on credits awarded for active participation in online events


Min. no. of events


Participation in the monthly EU law news events



Participation in other CPD events. Alternatively, these can also be the EU law news events



Active overall contribution to the events (involvement in discussions, demonstrating the latest knowledge)


Certificate with distinction



Evaluation at the end of 2024


10 and more with active participation

10 and more

9 and less


With distinction


CPD programme is part of CustomsClear subscription plans

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does the EU Customs and Trade Compliance CPD programme help to ensure compliance within the company?

Import and export companies operate in an extremely complex and constantly changing legal environment. Many of them invest a lot of effort and resources in complying with customs and trade regulations, but these efforts tend to fall short of the desired results.

The weakest link in the risk management process is usually "qualified personnel in the departments most affected and regular training of the employees and managers involved". The CPD programme addresses precisely this challenge.

It ensures continuous learning and up-to-date knowledge through the extensive library available, the constant influx of new content, weekly legal updates and discussions within the CPD group. Participants also receive in-depth knowledge for their daily practice from the programme leaders.

How can I gain a general understanding of EU customs and trade compliance in order to take part in the CPD programme?

If you are new to customs and trade compliance or have only a fragmentary knowledge, we recommend that you take the EU Customs Clearance and Trade Compliance course before taking part in the CPD programme. This course will provide you with the necessary systematic background knowledge.

Who can I contact if I have a question or need support during the programme?

You can contact the programme coordinator or the programme leaders.


“The value of the CPD programme is very clear. The legal environment is highly complex and constantly changing. Not knowing what you're doing means a high risk of non-compliance. What's more, it saves time - learning on your own would take much longer.”

Thomas Knebel, CPD programme participant
Trade Compliance Officer, Sandvik Group, Sweden

More questions? 

Register for a demo presentation with our team!

© 2024 CustomsClear


CC Learning, UAB
Mariu st. 17
93264 Klaipeda, Lithuania

+37066426393, +37064465553


Register for the interactive webinar

How to effectively manage customs knowledge and self-study?

The number of possible games of chess is greater than the number of atoms in the observable universe according to Claude Shannon. In Customs, there are many more variables than the 32 pieces on a chessboard. How can compliance be effectively ensured? 
Join us on June 7, 2023 at 15:00-15:45 CEST

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