The recording is now on CustomsClear. If you're a CKC member or CustomsClear Plus subscriber, it's free! Need help accessing it? Drop us a line at info@customsclear.net. Curious about CKC or CustomsClear?
Now that the Border Target Operating Model has been officially issued, EU and UK businesses can and indeed must prepare in line with the changes announced. This webinar will provide you with details on what you need to do to get ready to continue to trade effectively.
The emphasis of the webinar is on the EU business (the perspective of the EU exporter). Businesses based in the EU can now prepare with greater certainty on the requirements that will be needed and will depend on the nature of the goods you export.
The Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) proposes a new approach to security controls and Sanitary and Phytosanitary controls at the UK border. It sets out how controls will be delivered through simplification, digitisation and the UK’s new Single Trade Window. The final version of the BTOM will be published in 2023. What do you need to prepare for?
The webinar is designed for all the supply chain participants, involved in customs formalities of goods crossing UK-EU border.
- Key requirements arising from the BTOM
- Considerations for the EU exporter
- Considerations for the UK importer
- Specific implications for SPS goods
- Specific implications for Ireland: UK trade
- Concept of Trusted Trader
The webinar includes
- The possibility to send us (info@customsclear.net) your questions prior to the webinar – they will be addressed during the webinar
- Q&A session
- Slides will be provided to you after the webinar

Kevin Shakespeare, Director of Strategic Projects and International Development at the Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE&IT), the UK. An approved UN international trade trainer, Kevin has developed several of the IOE&IT’s educational and training programmes including the Diploma in World Customs Compliance and Regulation. He has worked on trade initiatives with Invest NI, Scottish Enterprise, UK Export Finance, Saudi Export Development Authority, among others, and is also the dean of the UK Customs Academy and NI Customs and Trade Academy.

Anthony Buckley, Chair of the Customs Knowledge Institute, Ireland. Now operating his own consultancy company, Anthony provides advice to a number of accountancy and other firms, and has experience of training in customs for the University of Limerick, Chartered Accountants Ireland, Irish Exporters Association, and CILT Skillnet. Formerly Head of Revenue’s Customs Service, he led Brexit planning for Irish Customs up to mid-2018. In his Customs role, he represented Ireland at EU discussions, and in the World Customs Organisation.
Contact us
If you need further information or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@customsclear.net